Our Client participated in a court case dealing with a multimillion international embezzlement scheme. When he faced a seemingly dead-end situation with authorities at one of the countries displaying reluctance to cooperate, he
addressed us to find any investigative opportunities within that country to follow. As a result, we managed to collect evidence suggesting the involvement of suspected citizens in the scheme, as well as their strong connections
within the state administration.
A whistleblower informed the law enforcement in one of the European countries about massive embezzlement taking place in an international alliance whose members provide certain services across the globe. The prosecution managed
to localize one of the major sources and approached the national government for further measures only to find out that issue had been already resolved in a judicial procedure. Client addressed Smart Consulting to make sure that
the scheme was actually discontinued.
At the first stage, evidence was taken from OSINT and well-placed operative sources to identify key principals of the business operation in suspicion. As a result, those were evaluated as politically exposed individuals able to
exert significant influence of corrupt nature.
Further steps revealed that although a large fine was imposed on key organizations, the structure of corporate affiliations didn't undergo any changes. Moreover, key principals even expanded the business operation, having
created more companies, trusts, and public organizations, where their relatives acted as nominees. The business operation was embedded into an even bigger money laundering scheme.
With help of local sources, it became apparent that many cases whereby local prosecution investigated connected companies and natural persons, were essentially suspended. Key stockholders carried on the established business
routine and employed their immediate family members to run a number of assets identified as a secretive business operation that had engaged with many other dubious commercial activities.
Informed of the actual state of affairs, the client managed to provide the prosecution with additional evidence that enhanced its positions in the trial. State authorities in the jurisdiction where the trial took place mobilized
resource to pressure government of the country that hosted the criminal operation, exposing corrupt ties within the state administration.